Friday, October 19, 2007

i have a dream...

I have dream and a desire in my heart to open a bakery/coffee shop. I just wanted everyone to know :)
I think sometimes it's scary to share our hopes and dreams b/c we might fail, they may not come true or maybe we'll let opportunities pass us by and live in regret. I'm just staying open to any opportunities God may be placing in my path. I'm really just a girl who likes to bake cookies, loves Jesus and wants others to enjoy cookies and know Jesus.


Me said...

I'd come hang out there :)

Unknown said...

Hey, that's what my friends tracy and rachel do in 'nam! They run the Sozo Centre (it means "salvation" in Greek) and it's a bakery/cafe that employees homeless street kids and families and also they have a cool student ministry--I could totally see you doing that.
It's a cool thing...
If you get a chance to go to 'Nam, I mean...since you're in that neck of the woods...check it out! That could be YOU Jess...:)