This week, Wednesday - Friday the senior high kids were all doing a community service project in various places. Our group did a VBS camp at a local hilltribe village b/c their school was on break. I was slightly overwhelmed when planning it b/c I can't communicate what I need, I don't have my own transportation and I didn't know where I was going. God helped me out though, and Phet was super-gracious and spent her Saturday running around town with me. :)

It went pretty well though...the first day we talked about the Prodigal Son and how God loves us just b/c we're His. Then, we drew ourselves with rice. The second day we talked about David and Goliath and made the crown of David. The schedule wasn't rigid, we just had fun with the kids and tried to love on them as much as possible. I was sick on Friday and couldn't make it out there...these pics are about to make you wish you were here though.
If you want to see more pics - just click the link on the right :)
Jesus is Cool quote of the day: "In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost" Matthew 18:14
Thai Phrase of the day: Baan khun yuu thiinoy kha? Where is your house located?
1 comment:
Jess, As we follow you adventures, we see you being blessed each day. In turn we are receiving a blessing. Please know that you are never out of our hearts, thoughts or prayers. We are trying to keep your parents occuppied, and never tire of them talking about you.
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