Tuesday, April 22, 2008

huaro = laugh.

These pictures made me laugh. I hope they put a little smile on your face too. :)

English is a difficult language to learn and blunders like this are commonplace, but this one was pretty cute. Please, don't call if you're boring!
I really liked this sign. It was in the bathroom at Angkor Wat. I could imagine a poor old Cambodian woman, looking at the western toliet trying to figure out how she could stand up there. "This ain't no squatty potty, grandma!"
This picture is of me crunching down on a fried grasshopper. I feel like that's a pretty appropriate face, but it's still classic.

1 comment:

Sarah & Patrick said...

These ARE funny. I wish I could hear the voice inside that guy's head when he wrote "if you're interesting." Maybe he's trying to find the most suitable rider for his bike, which is a good conversationalist and loves to read when not carving paths through pedestrians.

And I noticed the signs, especially the one with the shower and foot-spray-thing. What the crap kind of crazy bidets do y'all have over there?

Miss you, love PW & Sarah